This project is a faux campaign I created to spread awareness about HIV, HIV stigma and PrEP medication.
The concept began with me immersing myself into the current state of HIV in America. I looked into quantitative statistics on HIV prevalence in different regions, as well as qualitative research about HIV stigma. I noticed through my research a few misconceptions and phrases that are said by those misinformed about HIV that I used as inspiration.

The headlines are meant to speak directly to an HIV-positive or HIV curious individual, assuring them that these misconceptions that they may hear don't reflect reality, and linking them to a resource ( to find a doctor who is HIV friendly.

The tagline of the campaign, "Don't Be Scared. Be PrEP-ared" serves to punctuate the message of not being scared of HIV, while also introducing the viewer to the concept of PrEP, an HIV preventative medication.

The art direction of the campaign is meant to stick out from contemporary advertising's clean sans-serifs and simple shapes, utilizing heavy use of texture and grit to convey a sense of importance and urgency to the viewer.
Campaigns about HIV awareness have in the past been largely targeted specifically at young homosexual men. However, after some research, I found that there are a significant amount of people who are HIV positive who do not fit that demographic.
With this in mind, I targeted my campaign to a more general audience, speaking directly to any person who is HIV positive or curious about HIV safety, with the intent that message may also reach those who hold the same misconceptions voiced in the campaign.

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